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The One and Only

Steve Hollingsworth

In 2017, building upon 15 years of experience in a broad spectrum of media production and marketing sectors, EnLightning Media was formed. Conceived to fill a media creation and production void in the North Central AZ, EnLightning Media experienced instant success.


Age 14-15

Growing up in a rural community, company founder Steve Hollingsworth was fortunate enough to catch the creative bug at an early age. He started by producing skateboarding videos and comedy sketches with his friends.

Steve was recruited by the local municipality to join their broadcasting and communication department at age fifteen.


Age 18-19

Upon finishing high school — with a wealth of knowledge about video production and live broadcasting under his belt — Steve was promoted to department manager. By age nineteen he was managing the public access studio, freelancing as a network TV cameraman, producing music videos, marketing videos, wedding videos, documentaries, and just about everything in between.


Age 26

When digital video became in high demand, Steve was invited to join a team of creatives to produce various forms of media for aviation companies. As a key player for the team, Steve created hundreds of videos and photographs for marketing and eLearning platforms.


Age 30

After four years of non-stop aerial adrenaline, Steve decided to ground himself and combine all the skills he’d
accumulated over the previous 15 years. He then started his own stand-alone media production company - Enlightening Media.

And we’re just getting started.

Ready to work with a pro?

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